Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Can You Here Me now?

Every April my favorite day of the year comes around. I love the silliness of that day, the laughter and fun of that day. The county fair held every year in Logan Dale, Nevada.  It's always rainy, windy and completely exhilarating to me. I can't help but feel completely free when having to run through the rain each year, or when the chilly wind is blowing and your completely awake. It's my favorite day because of all the memories. It's the live music, the funnel cakes, laughter, dancing, and memories. It was the year when I fell in love with ferris wheels as the daylight was dripping through scattered clouds Or the year when we danced around the tent to listen to Gloriana, or when I tripped on that a hose spout in front of the cute boy that was asking me to each lunch with him, or last year when I couldn't stop my stomach from feeling the butterflies, my favorite feeling in the world. It's that time we all ran under the rain, chilled to the bone. The year my best friend and her sweetheart fell even more in love, not even knowing they'd be married one day. To me, this is the place where love grows wild. This is the time to be fearlessly goofy. To me, the Logan Dale fair is completely enchanting.
Allecia & Seth 2011

Sherry Turkle  shares her concerns in her article Can You Here Me Now? about our second life. A life where Logan dale county fair memories don't exist. Everyone is wrapped up in their cell phones, laptops, and iPods, that it takes up a lot of our time. "Are we taking the time to take our time on the things that matter?... These days it's easier for people without technical expertise to blend their real and virtual lives." It's become a world of second life. 
A lot of us don't take the time to really talk to someone. God gave us a voice and we should use it to speak to people rather than with our fingers on keyboards and cell phones.
Right before I started writing this post, I was talking on the phone to my friend Brooklyn. I love being able to talk to someone over the phone. Really talk. She's a person that isn't intimidated to call you on the phone and her  conversations are probably going to be the ones I will remember more than when I text.
I believe that it's more intimidating to call someone rather than text them because you can't prepare yourself before answering questions or when talking about what's going on in your life. Phone calls and visits are prone to be more honest in my case.
 I remember a time when my good friend, Chelsea and I, ran through a giant, muddy puddle. We laughed and laughed the whole time! Real laughter. Not "LOL" or "HAHA". It was real laughter, with real voices, and real smiley faces.

It's becoming a habit to just text or email.  After reading Sherry's article, I've been reminded that its more important to make phone calls to family members, to visit a sick relative and a heartbroken friend, rather than shoot a text to see if they're okay. This is something I really want to work on now, because I've been guilty of taking the easy and fast way out. I want to look into someones eyes more often and and say I love you, learn how to wink without a semi-colon, and have the courage to just slow down...


  1. i love reading your blog lady!!! i see so much of you in anna and it is so sweet! i hope you are having a great time...wait you already are! see you soon and love you

  2. Wow!Thanks for reading it Brandee! Thanks for commenting and taking the time to read them!! Love you! Hopefully I'll see you guys in March! :)

  3. I really love the way you describe your phone call and real laughing out loud instead of typing it. Those things bring real joy! I'll say it again...you are a great writer! :)
