Friday, January 11, 2013

Learning to Love Learning...

I Wake up at 7am, walk to the bathroom, flip the light switch, squint my groggy eyes, hop in the shower, and my lovely morning has now begun. I make the egg and ham sandwiches Dad used to make, hoping that they will taste almost as good. This reminds me of home and is a great way to start my morning. I'm now finished getting ready for a new day, and I begin to pull on a coat, gloves and scarf.
Time to get to work...

What I love about BYU Idaho, is that all my teachers apply The Gospel of Jesus Christ into our everyday lessons. The spirit is strong here and I can feel it most as I see the sculptures and paintings when walking to classes, smiles, devotional, singing, class lessons that mainly focus on our goals as Latter Day Saints to become people of Christ. It's simply easy to love learning when your in a place such as this. The only problem is that you can't stay at BYU-I forever...

How do we learn to love learning? To continue to progress even after graduation? And to simply appreciate the knowledge we gain throughout our lives, young and old? Elder Bednar helps us in his "Learning to Love Learning" talk to make these things important to us.

The purpose of Elder Bednars talk, "Learning to Love Learning" is to help us understand, even eternal benefits of learning and educating ourselves throughout life. His talk is to motivate us and help us appreciate the opportunities we have.

"Learning to love learning is central to the gospel of Jesus Christ, is vital to our ongoing
spiritual and personal development, and is an absolute necessity in the world in which we do now
and will yet live, serve, and work" -Bednar


I think that the issue is that a lot of people resent learning. We don't like to do the work most of the time, or take the time to do it. I learned a lot from this talk actually. It's powerful, and it opened my mind to understand what my goals should be, especially at this point in my life. Bednar knows how to straighten me up!
-"Because vast amounts of information are so readily available and sophisticated
technologies make possible widespread and even global collaboration, we may be prone to put
our "trust in the arm of flesh" (2 Nephi 4:34; see also 28:31) as we grapple with complex
challenges and problems."

"Learning to love learning equips us for an ever-changing and unpredictable future.
Knowing how to learn prepares us to discern and act upon opportunities that others may not
readily recognize. I am confident we will pass the test of learning what to do when we do not
know what to do or how to proceed. "

What I understood from this talk was that Heavenly Father wants this jouney to be more enjoyable for us. He wants us to be prepared and to help others gain knowledge as well. Knowledge makes you feel like your apart of something great. We  are all apart of something great, but sometimes we forget how great it really is. Learning to love learning will make life beautiful and when we see life as something beautiful and hopeful, we're happier.



1 comment:

  1. Your creative introduction was engaging, Eryn. Thank you for the refreshing twist and 'lead in' to your reading response. It was a delight to read; Especially the sentence about memories of your Dad and the egg and cheese sandwich. I loved that visual!
